Canadian hairless cats are often recognized by people at a glance, with hairless bodies, wrinkled skin and huge ears. It has no beard on its face and its big eyes always seem to contain questions. Because it looks like the Sphinx of Egypt (the sphinx statue located near the Great Pyramid of Egypt), it is also known as the Sphinx cat. Today we will introduce how much hairless cats and hairless cats cost.

The ugliest cat in history, how much does a Canadian hairless cat cost

1.What is the Canadian Hairless Cat

Canadian Hairless Cat Cat, also known as Sphynx cat. It is an extremely rare hairless genetic variant of domestic cats in America or Europe during the genetic breeding process. Although Sphynx cats have the same skin pigment as domestic cats, their skin is only covered with a small amount of hair. The Sphynx cat has a wedge-shaped body, a pair of big ears, a fat body, and a Yoda-shaped head. All appearances make Sphynx cats not only less cute than domestic cats, but also scary. Hand it over and let’s talk about how much this hairless cat costs

Two,Canada How much does a hairless cat cost

Because of its special appearance, many people may ask you about this hairless cat at first sight. How much does a Mao Mao cost? Canadian hairless cats are a special kind of cat, which are rare in China. Because they are not easy to raise, they need to take care of their skin every day. Moreover, they have very little hair coverage and wrinkled skin. Not many people like them. However, But its price is relatively expensive, about 30,000. For example, the price of some good-quality or purebred racing-grade cars is even more ridiculously high, above 40,000.

So, someone asked you how much this hairless cat costs? Could it be an alien cat? You might as well fight back as much as you want. Although the Canadian hairless cat does not have the appearance of a "traditional beauty", its character is very gentle. Spending time with similar people often seems veryThey are very coordinated and can get along well with other animals, so they are also very suitable as family companion pets.

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